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Fabulous Friends of FHV: July Inverarity


There are so many people who would fit the category of “Fabulous Friends” but one person who is beyond special. That person is Judy I, also known as Judy Inverarity.

Judy I was first a Girl Scout leader and after that dedicated her time to Girl Scouts of Douglas County in so many ways. She has been the perfect overseer of finances with her amazing smile and patient way. Judy I is the person who has done it all for every one. She has been on the Lawrence Hidden Valley Committee (LHVC) as Treasurer generally speaking from 2005 to 2017. She was on the finance committee from 2009 to 2010 and completed a review of assets of Hidden Valley reflected in the balance sheet February, 2007. In September, 2007 she made sure the paperwork needed to have the Cell Tower set up completed, which was no easy task. She was involved with being sure the Yurt was paid for in 2008.

Judy I has helped out Hidden Valley camp in so many capacities. Judy I has been the treasurer/finance person for Day Camp for as long as anyone can remember. In the words of Erin Bird who worked with her in 2008, Judy I was always amazing! She was beyond organized and always went the extra mile for girls and parents. She was able to draw the line when needed as well and was always very concerned about the well-being of the Day Camp committee members. She volunteered to help with everything - just not those things related to finance. She was present during camp often checking in to see what was needed and how she could help. She would always lend an ear when one needed to talk or vent and her judgement was spot on. Of course she is a delightful person with such a kind heart and sweet smile. She knows Girl Scouting and lives the Promise daily!

Judy I has helped at so many FHV work days and in 2013 received the “Hot Chick” award as she manned hot, hot brush fires which resulted from the cutting back of those dreaded honeysuckle shrubs.  Lily Kelly says, Judy I has been Treasurer of Douglas County SU 716 ever since she joined in 2006. She is invaluable. She does things such as take care of the annual financial report and obtains insurance for all the SU activities without anyone having to ask!

She also handles purchasing everything for all the SU activities, such as First Aid equipment, First Aid training, the girl activities such as fall recruitment, Night Prowl and Pizza with Pals, supplies for Cookie delivery day, such as snacks, lunch, dolly rentals and appreciation gifts for the donors. The list goes on.

She makes it easy for everyone else. For many years, her and her husband helped at Cookie Delivery day, doing whatever was needed and being a very dependable volunteer. For other events, she has always made special effort to support with her presence to help make sure the event goes smoothly. She is a very dependable SU meeting attendee too, which helps any leaders who may need banking help or need reimbursement from the SU funds.

She is the person behind the scenes that works diligently to make sure activities happen smoothly. She is always very responsive in giving ideas and reviewing plans to make sure we have not forgotten anything. Plus, she has all the history to know what has worked well in the past and what might be needed going forward.

You see, Judy I is a Fabulous Friend.


Marcia West

Recognitions Chair

April 2020

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